GTU Artificial Intelligence Practical - 2
Write a program to implement BFS (for 8 puzzle problem or Water Jug problem or any AI search problem)
8 puzzle problem or Water Jug problem
					#include <cstdio>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

// Representation of a state (x, y)
// x and y are the amounts of water in litres in the two jugs respectively
struct state {
    int x, y;

    // Used by map to efficiently implement lookup of seen states
    bool operator < (const state& that) const {
        if (x != that.x) return x < that.x;
        return y < that.y;

// Capacities of the two jugs respectively and the target amount
int capacity_x, capacity_y, target;

void bfs(state start, stack <pair <state, int> >& path)   {
    queue <state> q;
    state goal = (state) {-1, -1};

    // Stores seen states so that they are not revisited and
    // maintains their parent states for finding a path through
    // the state space
    // Mapping from a state to its parent state and rule no. that
    // led to this state
    map <state, pair <state, int> > parentOf;

    parentOf[start] = make_pair(start, 0);

    while (!q.empty())    {
        // Get the state at the front of the queue
        state top = q.front();

        // If the target state has been found, break
        if (top.x == target || top.y == target) {
            goal = top;

        // Find the successors of this state
        // This step uses production rules to prune the search space

        // Rule 1: (x, y) -> (capacity_x, y) if x < capacity_x
        // Fill the first jug
        if (top.x < capacity_x)  {
            state child = (state) {capacity_x, top.y};
            // Consider this state for visiting only if it has not been visited before
            if (parentOf.find(child) == parentOf.end()) {
                parentOf[child] = make_pair(top, 1);

        // Rule 2: (x, y) -> (x, capacity_y) if y < capacity_y
        // Fill the second jug
        if (top.y < capacity_y)  {
            state child = (state) {top.x, capacity_y};
            if (parentOf.find(child) == parentOf.end()) {
                parentOf[child] = make_pair(top, 2);

        // Rule 3: (x, y) -> (0, y) if x > 0
        // Empty the first jug
        if (top.x > 0)  {
            state child = (state) {0, top.y};
            if (parentOf.find(child) == parentOf.end()) {
                parentOf[child] = make_pair(top, 3);

        // Rule 4: (x, y) -> (x, 0) if y > 0
        // Empty the second jug
        if (top.y > 0)  {
            state child = (state) {top.x, 0};
            if (parentOf.find(child) == parentOf.end()) {
                parentOf[child] = make_pair(top, 4);

        // Rule 5: (x, y) -> (min(x + y, capacity_x), max(0, x + y - capacity_x)) if y > 0
        // Pour water from the second jug into the first jug until the first jug is full
        // or the second jug is empty
        if (top.y > 0)  {
            state child = (state) {min(top.x + top.y, capacity_x), max(0, top.x + top.y - capacity_x)};
            if (parentOf.find(child) == parentOf.end()) {
                parentOf[child] = make_pair(top, 5);

        // Rule 6: (x, y) -> (max(0, x + y - capacity_y), min(x + y, capacity_y)) if x > 0
        // Pour water from the first jug into the second jug until the second jug is full
        // or the first jug is empty
        if (top.x > 0)  {
            state child = (state) {max(0, top.x + top.y - capacity_y), min(top.x + top.y, capacity_y)};
            if (parentOf.find(child) == parentOf.end()) {
                parentOf[child] = make_pair(top, 6);

    // Target state was not found
    if (goal.x == -1 || goal.y == -1)

    // backtrack to generate the path through the state space
    path.push(make_pair(goal, 0));
    // remember parentOf[start] = (start, 0)
    while (parentOf[].second != 0)

int main()  {
    stack <pair <state, int> > path;

    printf("Enter the capacities of the two jugs : ");
    scanf("%d %d", &capacity_x, &capacity_y);
    printf("Enter the target amount : ");
    scanf("%d", &target);

    bfs((state) {0, 0}, path);
    if (path.empty())
        printf("\nTarget cannot be reached.\n");
    else    {
        printf("\nNumber of moves to reach the target : %d\nOne path to the target is as follows :\n", path.size() - 1);
        while (!path.empty())   {
            state top =;
            int rule =;

            switch (rule)   {
                case 0: printf("State : (%d, %d)\n#\n", top.x, top.y);
                case 1: printf("State : (%d, %d)\nAction : Fill the first jug\n", top.x, top.y);
                case 2: printf("State : (%d, %d)\nAction : Fill the second jug\n", top.x, top.y);
                case 3: printf("State : (%d, %d)\nAction : Empty the first jug\n", top.x, top.y);
                case 4: printf("State : (%d, %d)\nAction : Empty the second jug\n", top.x, top.y);
                case 5: printf("State : (%d, %d)\nAction : Pour from second jug into first jug\n", top.x, top.y);
                case 6: printf("State : (%d, %d)\nAction : Pour from first jug into second jug\n", top.x, top.y);

    return 0;