Study the basic and advanced commands of Linux/UNIX such as ls, touch, mkdir, rm, cp, mv, rmdir, man, cd, history, pwd, clear, head, tail, cat, wc, date, timedatectl, su, sudo, chage, etc.
  • In this practical, we will cover the basics of the Linux/UNIX file system.
  • We will also cover the commands that are used to work with the file system such as ls, touch, mkdir, rm, cp, mv, rmdir, man, cd, history, pwd, clear, head, tail, cat, wc, date, timedatectl, su, sudo, chage, etc. 
  1. ls – List directory contents
  2. touch – Create an empty file or update file timestamps
  3. mkdir – Create a new directory
  4. rm – Remove files or directories
  5. cp – Copy files or directories
  6. mv – Move or rename files or directories
  7. rmdir – Remove a directory
  8. man – Display the manual pages for a command
  9. cd – Change the current working directory
  10. history – View a list of recently executed commands
  11. pwd – Print the current working directory
  12. clear – Clear the terminal screen
  13. head – Display the first few lines of a file
  14. tail – Display the last few lines of a file
  15. cat – Concatenate and display files
  16. wc – Count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file
  17. date – Print or set the system date and time
  18. timedatectl – Control the system time and date settings
  19. su – Switch user account to become a different user
  20. sudo – Execute a command with superuser privileges
  21. chage – Change the password expiration settings for a user account