GTU PPS Practical - 12
Write a program to read marks from keyboard and your program should display equivalent grade according to following table(if else ladder)
Marks Grade
100 – 80 Distinction
79 – 60 First Class
59 – 40 Second Class
< 40 Fail

int main() {
  int marks;
  printf("\n Enter Marks between 0-100 :");
  scanf("%d", & marks);
  if (marks > 100 || marks < 0) {
    printf("\n Your Input is out of Range");
  } else if (marks >= 80) {
    printf("\n You got Distinction");
  } else if (marks >= 60) {
    printf("\n You got First Class");
  } else if (marks >= 40) {
    printf("\n You got Second Class");
  } else {
    printf("\n You got Fail");
  return 0;
C program to enter student marks and find percentage and grade
C program to enter student marks and find percentage and grade